For those of you know RealFaction. HIs account has been hacked.
But I have heard, of that if where can his music be bought to support him.
Click the link below and hear the samples he has made, and if you like it, buy it, it's only $5.00
RealFaction's SoundLoud
And to prove this is not fake, me and my brother-in-law, have make the album:
Youtube video of us Making RealFaction's Album
Hopefully the link works now.
i was following up on realfaction for like a week, then one day i went to his site and it had been hacked. its been pissing me and my friends off for a long time as well. luckily, i had his soundstation site and i bought his album. your album cover didnt show up so i decided to make my own. <a href=""> 115/Drfoofer/realfaction.jpg</a>
Nice pic, I fixed up the link. Hopefully it works now.